A well known beauty brand and their festive campaign

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The Brief

A well known beauty brand in Indonesia wanted to create a social campaign to promote a limited edition festive product launch to help drive sales and increase overall performance.

Adimo's Solution

Adimo created a branded shoppable landing page for the client to link to from their social activity. This allowed users to see the limited edition products and browse all with just one click on the ad’s call to action. Users were then redirected to the retailer to finalise purchase.


  • A great creative led to user engagement
  • Frictionless path to purchase
  • Excellent conversion rate
  • Increased customer choice with multi-retailer selection
  • 63% of engagements led to retailer selection


The client used strong purchase driven call to actions in their creative which encouraged an excellent drive in sales and produced a great conversion rate.

Over 26,000

engaged shoppers


Conversion rate

Over 3000

purchase leads generated

Published On:

May 3, 2022

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