Introducing a new social landing page for a well known Food and Drink brand

Buy Now

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The Brief

A well known food and drink brand were looking to promote their new limited edition Christmas product. The brand were keen to explore the role a social landing page could play in optimising their marketing and driving seasonal online sales.

Adimo's Solution

We integrated our Buy Now technology into a social landing page where users were shown the limited edition Christmas product with an option to purchase. Users were then able to go ahead and buy the product in one seamless path to purchase.


  • Great potential revenue
  • Frictionless path to purchase
  • Excellent conversion rate
  • Track shopper behaviour from engagement to purchase
  • Engagements successfully converted into shoppers


Buy Now technology successfully promoted their new seasonal product with 2666 purchase leads.


in Potential Revenue


Conversion Rate


Engaged Shoppers

Published On:

May 3, 2022

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